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Do 16 Apr – Benny Mayhem

11080332_803529803069111_6274925961092791401_oHet is al weer even geleden dat we er mee begonnen, de akoestische donderdag avond, maar met enige vertraging is hier nu de tweede editie!

Benny Mayhem (link) komt wat folk en punk liedjes spelen! Benny komt uit Australie en is, na het stoppen van zijn vorige band, punkrock formatie Project Mayhem, als punk en folk troubadour de wereld rond aan het reizen. De entree is natuurlijk gratis, maar als je Benny wat fooi voor z’n moeite en reis wil geven is dat erg welkom.

It all came about like this: Benny Mayhem finds himself without a band after his (much loved) Western Australian punk rock ensemble Project Mayhem go tits-up. Wanting to travel anyway, Benny opted out of starting a new band right away and took to the road with nothing but an acoustic guitar and a bagful of songs; forging a solo identity as a folk-punk troubadour that he could literally take anywhere. So he did… A year busking around the UK and Europe, and Benny Mayhem’s solo adventure has been epic from the get-go.

So, the time has come to record all of the songs that have come from Benny Mayhem’s European busking adventure and put them out into the digital world so folks can have a listen. The first song up is Mindless Greg The Media Consumer; a catchy folk-punk tune with a swaying, sea shanty-like vocal melody and a kazoo solo that could launch a thousand ships. Underneath the old-world-ness; the immediacy of Benny Mayhem’s trademark lyrics and social observations. All up, a bloody good little tune that absolutely captures the feel and swagger of Benny Mayhem’s folk-punk troubadour soul.

So as the world adjusts to the new order of things, and musicians reinvent their way of thinking about making a living, Benny Mayhem has gone back to one of the most traditional and successful methods: getting off your arse and playing in front of other humans. So far it is working a treat.

Toegang: Gratis
Deur open/dicht: 21:00/01:00
Facebook: Event (link)

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